Brain x Machine Intelligence Lab

Brain x Machine Intelligence Lab @ KAIST

Laboratory for brain and machine intelligence, KAIST

Joining our lab

  • MS/PhD students (refer to the details below before application!)

  • Undergraduate research opportunities

  • (No job openings in 2023) Postdoc positions (KAIST center for neuroscience-inspired AI)

Graduate students in computational/decision neuroscience, brain-inspired AI, and BCI

We are seeking qualified candidates who are interested in brain-inspired AI, computational/decision neuroscience, and BCI. If interested, send an email to sangwan(AT) with a brief statement about your research interest and a transcript. 

There are three ways to join our lab:

Undergraduate research opportunities

KAIST individual study and graduate study are available. If interested, send an email to sangwan(AT)

(1) a brief statement about your research interest and
(2) a transcript.

URP program : if you were successful in the individual study, you may apply for the URP.

(No job openings in 2023) Postdoctoral positions (ML/computational neuroscience/BCI)

KAIST center for neuroscience-inspired AI, led by Sang Wan Lee, at KAIST (, is seeking talented postdocs. We offer a competitive salary plus benefits. We also provide opportunities for working with our collaborators.

Qualifications (type1):
- PhD in cognitive neuroscience or computational neuroscience
- prior experience in (model-based) fMRI analysis is preferred.

Qualifications (type2):
- PhD in electrical engineering, computer science, or applied mathematics
- strong quantitative background with expertise in deep learning or reinforcement learning

*Interested please send a CV and a list of two references to sangwan(AT)

All applicants should go through a KAIST’s formal review process. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis

Researcher position

No positions open at the moment