Brain x Machine Intelligence Lab

Brain x Machine Intelligence Lab @ KAIST

Laboratory for brain and machine intelligence, KAIST

Seminars (hosted by BML)

  • Miran Lee (Microsoft Research Asia)
    The vision and approaches of Microsoft Research Asia in brain and neuroscience

  • Dongsheng Li (Microsoft Research Asia)
    When machine learning meets the brain, Nov 22, 2023. (MSRA x KAIST BCS workshop)

  • Dongqi Han (Microsoft Research Asia)
    A variational Bayesian perspective of habits and goals: insights for psychology and AI, Nov 22, 2023. (MSRA x KAIST BCS workshop)

  • Doo-sup Choi (Mayo Clinic)
    Computational Neuroscience and Behavior Disorders: Neural Circuits and Artificial Intelligence in Predicting Behaviors, NOV 8, 2023. (BCS colloquium)

  • Brenden Lake (NYU)
    Machine learning through the eyes and ears of a child, NOV 4, 2023. (BCS Symposium)

  • Catherine A. Hartley (NYU)
    Neural and cognitive mechanisms of developmental change in goal-directed behavior, NOV 4, 2023. (BCS Symposium)

  • Takuya Ito (IBM Research)
    Multitask and compositional capacities in human brains and machines, NOV 3, 2023. (BCS Symposium)

  • Joel Z Leibo (Google DeepMind)
    A theory of appropriateness with applications to generative artificial intelligence, NOV 3, 2023. (BCS Symposium)

  • Taro Toyoizumi (RIKEN)
    Information theoretical approaches to model synaptic plasticity, OCT 4, 2023. (BCS colloquium)

  • Jonathan Rubin (University of Pittsburgh)
    Cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic control ensembles shift decision policies to maximize reward rate during learning, SEP 27, 2023. (BCS colloquium)

  • Aurelio Cortese (ATR Computational Neuroscience Labs)
    Confidence, abstractions and reinforcement learning in humans and machines, SEP 6, 2023. (BCS Colloquium)

  • Andrea Tacchetti (DeepMind)
    The good shepherd: Machine learning for mechanism design, Oct 5, 2022. (BBE/BCE seminar series + CNAI workshop)

  • Doo-Sup Choi (Mayo Clinic)
    Neuroscience of breaking the bad habits: molecular and computational approaches focusing on striatum-pallidal circuits, OCT 27, 2021. (BBE seminar series)

  • Bruno Averbeck (NIH/NIMH)
    Computational mechanisms and neural systems underlying reinforcement learning, OCT 13, 2021. (BBE/BCE seminar series)

  • Ben Seymour (Oxford)
    Looking for Pain in the Brain, April 14, 2021. (BBE/BCE seminar series)

  • Andrew Saxe (Oxford)
    Dynamics of learning contextual, controlled and abstract representations in deep neural networks, Nov 5, 2020. (KI AI + CNAI workshop)

  • Andrea Tacchetti (DeepMind)
    Learning in multi-agent systems, Nov 5 2020. (KI AI + CNAI workshop)

  • Joel Z Leibo (DeepMind)
    Multi-agent reinforcement learning, Dec 3, 2019. (KI AI seminar series)

  • Gabriel Kreiman (Harvard Medical School)
    Peeking inside the brain to develop the next generation of AI, OCT, 30, 2019. (KI AI + CNAI workshop).

  • Rahul Bhui (Harvard Univeristy)
    Efficient coding in economic judgment, OCT, 30, 2019. (KI AI + CNAI workshop).

  • Anil Yaman (Eindhoven University of Technology)
    Evolution of biologically inspired learning in artificial neural networks, Aug 22, 2019. (CNAI seminar)

  • Hyojin Park (University of Birmingham)
    Neural oscillatory mechanisms in dynamic information representation during natural audio-visual speech perception, Aug 14, 2019. (CNAI seminar)

  • Joel Z Leibo (DeepMind)
    Autocurricula and the emergence of innovation from social interaction, May 16, 2019. (Bio-IT/BBE/BCE seminar series)

  • Zeb Kurth-Nelson (DeepMind)
    Distributions from dopamine and factorized replay, MAY 1, 2019. (Bio-IT/BBE/BCE seminar series)

  • YoungGyun Park (MIT)
    Toward integrative brain mapping via intact tissue processing and phenotyping techniques, MAY 1, 2019. (BCE seminar series)

  • Xavier Boix (MIT)
    Making a science from the computer vision zoo, NOV 15, 2018. (MIR-MSREP seminar series)

  • Hiroyuki Nakahara (RIKEN)
    Neural mechanism and computations for social decision-making , OCT 24, 2018. (Bio-IT half-day workshop)

  • Ales Leonardis (University of Birmingham)
    Combining vision and physics to explore synergies in scene understanding, AUG 14, 2018. (KI for AI seminar series)

  • Daeyeol Lee (Yale University)
    Future of AI: Is the brain a computer?, AUG 1, 2018. (Bio-IT inspiring talk series)

  • Minjoon Kouh (Drew)
    Trade-offs in neural computation, June 27, 2018. (Bio-IT inspiring talk series)

  • Keun-Ah Cheon (Yonsei University College of Medicine)
    Neural basis of aberrant social communication in autism spectrum disorder, May 9, 2018. (BBE/BCE seminar series)

  • Yoonsuck Choe (Texas A&M) (BBE/BCE seminar series)
    Overcoming limitations of deep learning, April 25, 2018. (BBE/BCE seminar series)

  • Joel Z Leibo (Google DeepMind)
    The interplay of competition and cooperation in shaping intelligence, MAR 28, 2018. (BBE seminar series)

  • Choong-Wan Woo (Institute for Basic Science)
    Pain neuroimaging, DEC 1, 2017. (Computational psychiatry seminar series)

  • Ben Seymour (University of Cambridge; CINN/ATR/Osaka Univ.)
    Pain and aversive learning: from computational neuroscience to clinical neuroengineering, NOV 16, 2017. (Computational psychiatry seminar series)

  • Benedetto Martinos (University College London)
    Decision uncertainty, OCT 12, 2017. (Computational psychiatry seminar series)

  • Rongjun Yu (National University of Singapore)
    The neural basis of decision making under uncertainty, SEP 28, 2017. (BML computational psychiatry seminar series)

  • Christopher Summerfield (Oxford/DeepMind)
    Neural and computational mechanisms of human decision-making, SEP 13, 2017.  (Computational psychiatry seminar series)

  • Kóczy T. László (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
    Fuzzy signature, July 3, 2017.

  • Erie D. Boorman (University of California at Davis)
    Computational and representational approaches to associative learning, June 21, 2017. (Computational psychiatry seminar series)

  • Hyun Kook Lim (Catholic University Saint Vincent Hospital)
    Alzheimer's disease, Mar 16, 2017.

  • Seung-Tae Lee (Yonsei University College of Medicine)
    Next-generation sequencing, Mar 24, 2017.

  • Minlie Huang (Tsinghua University)
    New Approaches for Representing Text and Knowledge, NOV 22, 2016.

  • Mattia Rigotti (IBM TJ Watson)
    High and low dimensional neural responses for learning and implementing context-dependent behavior, NOV 2, 2016. (Neural computation workshop)

  • Jinseob Kim (Korea Brain Research Institute)
    Neural codes of visual perception: single cells and neural circuits in the retina, NOV 2, 2016. (Neural computation workshop)

  • JeeHang Lee (Yonsei University; University of Bath)
    Normative decision making, OCT 19, 2016.

  • Benedetto Martinos (University of Cambridge)
    The construction of confidence and its role in guiding behavior, OCT 5, 2016. (Computational psychiatry workshop)

  • Robb Rutledge (University College London)
    A computational and neural model of momentary subjective well-being, OCT 5, 2016. (Computational psychiatry workshop)

  • Shinsuke Suzuki (Tohoku University)
    Value computation in the human brain: its basis and contagious nature, OCT 5, 2016. (Computational psychiatry workshop)

  • Sukbin Lim (NYU Shanghai)
    Balanced cortical microcircuitry for working memory and revised NMDA hypothesis, OCT 5, 2016. (Computational psychiatry workshop)

  • Heyeon Park (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
    Multiple effects of stress on reinforcement learning in a changing environment, SEP 22, 2016.

  • Yongsek Yoo (Hongik University)
    A computational model of the medial temporal lobe, AUG 11, 2016.

  • Demis Hassabis (Google DeepMind - Founder & CEO)
    Artificial Intelligence and the Future, MAR 11, 2016. (Bio-IT seminar series)

Lab workshops

2018 Model-based deep reinforcement learning (PDF flyer)

Date: Mon, FEB 12, 2018 (15:00-18:00)
Venue: #205 (E16-1 YBS Bldg.)

Reinforcement learning + deep learning + Bayesian game theory. This half-day workshop aims to review recent studies about model-based deep reinforcement learning (RL). Model-based RL refers to a class of reinforcement learning algorithms that learn the model of the environment. For example, model-based RL agents are expected to rapidly adapt to the change of the environment structure. It addresses the Bayesian game problem. Imagine you play a Tic Tac Toe, Chess, or GO with the model-based RL agent. It can dominate the game by taking advantage of your game strategy. However, the conventional model-free RL agent (e.g., DQN, SARSA, TD, and etc.) can be fooled by sudden changes of a goal or deliberate changes in your game strategy. This approach offers enormous potential for solving general problems.